ArcOpen is excited to announce that we can complete our jury of judges with the inclusion of a person who can rightly be considered among our own Australian Miniature Painting Royalty. Recognised as a major Influencer and trail blazer in miniature art - that miniature artist is Victoria Lamb.
Victoria has been involved in the Miniature hobby for a considerable time. However, her background as a set and costume designer, meant that Victoria could relate to the potential drama that could be created in putting 28mm figures into scenes and dioramas.
In 2001 she won the converted Golden Demon Slayer Sword at the Australian Golden Demon in Sydney for her diorama “The Rescue of Sister Joan”.

When model painters across social media and YouTube show or explain or invite people to sign up to their patreon to explain OSL - Object source Lighting - that’s because of Victoria Lamb and ‘The Rescue of Sister Joan’.
There are many painters who have explored OSL as a trend, a style, many embarking on an ongoing journey for perfection. Yet Victoria achieved all that in one piece that many strive to imitate but none can better the original.
In 2009 she branched beyond painting and converting miniatures to establishing her own range of Victoria Miniatures and offering them online.
At her core Victoria is a trail blazer and a storyteller. A visit to her Victoria Miniatures website offers up a range of models all of which fill a niche with unique and compelling futuristic soldiers.
We hope everyone can understand that securing someone who aligns so closely with the values we are looking to achieve with ArcOpen - it’s a diverse hobby that anyone can strive to achieve both amsing levels of execution as well a platform for the presentation for their own creative expression.
To have Victoria Lamb as a member of the jury for the event is absolutely fantastic.
Her experience and understanding of the drama of the model should reflect well in seeing the right models be chosen for awards at the ArcOpen Painting Challenge.
A collection of just some of Victoria’s Golden Demon winning pieces: