The Unit/Squad category at ArcOpen is a true test of a painter's ability to bring harmony and cohesion to a group of miniatures, each one playing a vital role in the overall composition.
While not every entry rises to the top as medalists, there are always entries that stand out for their creativity, technical skill, and sheer effort. So these entries may not have clinched a gold, silver, or bronze but they have earned a well-deserved Commended recognition.

This gallery celebrates those commendable works, acknowledging the dedication and talent that made them shine. Join us as we showcase the remarkable Unit/Squad entries that captivated our judges and embodied the spirit of ArcOpen.
Leigh Ormsby_Dreadpagent

James Davies_Blue Infiltrators

Andrew Curtis_Belial and Deathwing Knights

Mitch Taranto_Loone Court

Richard Gibson_Legio Astorum Maniple

Seth Schneider_Iron Drakes

Justin Azzopardi_Loon Court

Leigh Ormsby_Sons of Velmorm

Gareth Pickard_PanO Orc Troopers

Dee Staines_Navy Breachers

As we close this showcase of the ten Commended entries in the Unit/Squad category, it's clear that each of these works represents something special.
We applaud their efforts and look forward to seeing how they continue to push the boundaries of miniature painting in their future entries. Congratulations to all our Commended painters.
Special Thanks need to go out to our imaging team for 2024 - Rory Beeforth and Imsay (Imran Asssad) - taking all of the amazing photography that allows us to present people’s display pieces in the most amazing ways possible. Also, huge thanks to Rob for treating every miniature with care as he wrangled them between photography station and into the Displays.
It’s hard to run events without the help anmd support of sponsors. This year’s event was easier to run and so much more rewarding, not just for our champions, but the widest group of participants thanks to our sponsors -they include Addikted to Ink, Let’s Play Games, Artis Opus, Taro Model Maker, House of War, and Stone Beard Miniatures.