Hello there my friends!
It’s our distinct pleasure to announce that Arc40k 2023 will be an official fundraiser for the Peter Maccallum Cancer Foundation.
The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre commonly referred to as “The Peter Mac” is a world leading cancer research, education and treatment centre and Australia’s only public health service solely dedicated to caring for people affected by cancer.
The first such centre is located just down the road from the Arc40k venue, next-door to the Royal Melbourne Hospital. But there are “Peter Macs” in Bendigo, Box Hill, Moorabbin, and Sunshine as well.
With more than 400 new cancer diagnoses, and cancer claiming over 130 lives, every day in Australia the work the Peter Mac does in treating and caring for these mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters and friends is extremely valuable.
The Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation is the fundraising arm that helps fund the research done at the Peter Mac. There’s over 500 dedicated scientists who are working everyday to find new ways of detecting, treating and ultimately curing this insidious disease.
So, this is where you come in - this year at Arc40k will be holding a raffle. It will include a whole truckload of prizes, donated by our generous sponsors. Tickets will be $5 each.
The plan is for the raffle to be drawn and the lucky winners decided during our awards ceremony at the end of day 2 of the event. I’m pleased to let everyone know that 100% of the funds we raise through the raffle will go directly to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation, supporting their vital research.
We’ve all had out lives touched by cancer in one way or another, and we’d encourage everyone attending Arc40k and ArcOpen in 2023 to dig deep - either buy some raffle tickets or make a donation on the day.
We’ll be joined on Sunday Afternoon by a representative from the Peter Mac who will be there to officially accept our donation, as well as answer any and all questions you might have about cancer or the Peter Mac.

See you all on the weekend!