Do you have the time to keep up with everyone posting on social media about Arc40k?
Fear not - we’re here to round up what‘s been going on across the many accounts of participants planning and preparing their armies for the 25 years Anniversary event.
Lets look at some posts by some busy builders. The big stage that kicks off of any hobby project is to build stuff!
First up is a look at the very start of the challenge by brothercaptain_darrko
Looking like some Orks are getting ready for a big Waugh!
It looks like a load of building and the start of some painting is happening over @cameron.j.davidson
Some great looking conversions - psychic powers sparking from the hand of a Wraith Seer and some amazing objectives underway. Cameron looks on track.
Just a glimpse of the Chaos to come...
Can't wait to see more from @jaybeepainting
as this conversion is looking great...
If you're into Word Bearers and 30K there's a load of inspiring conversions before this image.
Loads of interesting builds are the current focus of @adeptus_equinus with some very interesting conversions for their Knights of Ullanor. Prolific in their posting you can bet they will have some great things to show along their army building journey.
Painting progress or completion is the part of the project where most people are ready to grab their camera an snap some pics to share what their army may look like.
Not everyone shares via a hashtag or a mention. You can also post as a comment in our weekly WIP Wednesday post on Facebook. And JJ Tonne has shared some WIP of his Adeptus Custodes as he's working on getting the process and colours to his liking. Keep painting that gold - looks great:
There's three accounts that are well into showing of awesome details in the painting they are doing for their Arc40k armies. First up is a crazy good Necron force being shown by @bloodiedbrushstudio
We also ask everyone who posts onto Facebook to mention arc40k (and link us) into any post. One account doing just that is Firestorm Cadre. Unsurprisingly he's painting Tau.
Finally lets share some images from the first ever Players Choice - as well as Hall of Fame and Arc40k Veteran - Ben who's account is @morsla_minis
Last year's Death Watch marines have made way for an all new project for the 25 year Anniversary event with a return to Aeldari.
So that's a wrap for the things we've found and having been shared on instagram and Facebook since the launch of tickets for the event.
If you’ve building, painting or playing as part of your preparation for Arc40k and would like your photos shopwcased on the website. Then why not share what you’re up to.
Use #arcarmychallenge if you’re building a new army for the event. #arc40k is for anything to do with the event. In the build up share images of some games, building some scenery you’re planning to bring, a costume you’re designing to wear…
Of course on that first weekend in March, in the midst of the event, we really need everyone to share all their photos and videos of games, activities anything that catches your eye really - tag them with all with #arc40k . That way we'll have heaps of images to share as well look back and forward as we get ready for the next Arc40k.