The Team at Arc40k are excited to announce the launch of ArcNews.

Best of all we’re inviting everyone - who’s keen to see what’s new and being added to our updated, improved, and growing content on the Arc40K website - to sign up to ArcNews to have all that sent straight to their inbox.
Want to be among the first to find out about the latest news and articles focusing on hobby tips, army showcases, recognition, results and more from Australia’s premier Warhammer 40,000 event? Yes, yes you do.
Plus with the launch of ArcOpen there's a growing focus on event information, website updates and more about this exciting new addition to the Arc40k weekend
So, scroll down to the bottom of this, or any page on the website, and simply enter your preferred email address and press signup - we'll send your inbox an invitation to view all sorts of great content every week.
Plus it’s totally free.
Subscribe to ArcNews and join our community of awesome Warhammer 40,000 hobbyists, Fantasy & Futuristic Painters, and not miss out knowing what’s the latest.