Crimson Brush is an open format painting competition, held January 26-28 2024 as a part of Cancon. As the first event of the year, it effectively kicks off what has become the season for painting events in Australia. It is a chance to see what people have been working on for the last six months (or more), and come together to participate in the growing Display Painting Community across Australia.

Similar to previous events, there are three levels of painting the judges will be looking to make decisions on where the most award-worthy miniatures entered fit - either Gold, Silver or Bronze. The Open Format at Crimson Brush (and our own ArcOpen), means there is no limit to the number of awards given out. For example, if there are 75 entries in a category, and 25 of them are Gold standard, then all 25 will be awarded Gold! The Judges can also award Highly Commended for those entrants that did not quite make the level of medals - but deserve recognition.
This year however, sees a fundamental change to the Crimson Brush. Whilst the event will still use the Open System format, from 2024 onwards, there will be both a Standard and Masters category.
Crimson Brush S t a n d a r d

One of the biggest pieces of feedback we received last year was how overwhelming the event was for a prospective new entrant. With so many amazing pieces on display, people were nervous to enter their own works.’ said event organiser, Trent Denison.
Cancon is an annual gathering of gaming and hobbies. There’s a large number of people attending who paint miniatures, but maybe not at a display level. So, in an effort to see more people entering and keeping the event relevant and accessible, the Crimson Brush has added the Standard category this year.
‘This is about giving those painters an opportunity to showcase their works, and feel welcomed in our community,’ explained Trent. ‘When this category is judged, our focus will be on celebrating improvement, rewarding creativity and supporting painters development.
‘If you've never submitted your work to a painting event before; If you have previously entered an event but not won a Gold medal; if you mostly do "army painting" - then you fall into the majority of entrants to the Crimson Brush, and this is the category to enter,’ Trent said.
Crimson Brush M a s t e r s
“Our focus for the event is growing the scene, and giving new painters an opportunity to have their works recognised,” Trent said. “Having said that, it’s important also to acknowledge the incredible standard of work we’ve seen in past years, and we felt the time was right to give those painters their own category to shine in.”

In this category, you can expect to see Gold Medal winners from previous Crimson Brush, Crystal Dragon, or many other events throwing down their best works. With the Guild’s Inn and Arc Open events continuing this year, we are sure to see the quality continue to rise.
‘Choosing to enter Masters is an achievement in itself - one to be celebrated.’ smiled Trent. ‘As such, each entrant in Crimson Brush Masters will receive a Masters pin in recognition of their achievement in competing at this level.’
They will be asked to assist in judging some of the other awards that have returned or are being introduced to this year’s event. Because of the exceptional pool of entrants, this category will be more ruthlessly judged than any Crimson Brush event prior to this.’
My biggest concern with separating into two categories was always a sense of dividing our scene. With the feedback we’ve received, it’s clear that aspiring painters want an opportunity to compete, without the pressure of going up against some world class competition.
It’s great that we can continue encouraging people to challenge themselves with our approach for 2024,’ smiled Trent. ‘It should make the experience for everyone even better!’
‘We endeavor to bring the Crimson Brush to as many people as possible,‘ said Trent
‘In 2024 we will be continuing our live coverage of the event, with footage from the event, seminars, and interviews with attendees and judges. We will also be live streaming a part of the judging process.’
In addition to the introduction of Masters at the event, the Crimson Brush team are increasing the number and variety of extra awards on offer. These provide an alternative approach to the event, for people who want to focus on celebrating other aspects of the hobby, such as dioramas or scratch-builds. Winners of these awards can come from either Standard, or Masters level entries.
Here’s the list of Awards being offered so far:
Overall Best in Show - Selected by Judging Panel
Peoples Choice Award - Selected by Event Attendees
The Official Trent D e n i s o n Award For Most Entries - Most Entries
Best Diorama - Selected by Trent Denison
Veiled Lamp Award - Selected by Sebastian Archer (Veiled Lamp range)
Arc40K Award - Selected by ArcOpen Representative (Best 40k Model)
Guilds Inn Choice Award - Selected by Guilds Inn Representative
(Representing Sydney Display)
Stonebeard Award - Selected by Jim and Rhiannon of Stonebeard
(From a product purchased)
Juniors Award - Selected by Judging Panel (under 14s entrants)
Most Creative - Selected by Masters Entrants
Streams Choice Award - Selected by Stream Participants
So, if you are looking to join in the Crimson Brush experience take a look at the event pack and down load the PDF.
Or else head straight to the ticketing page and sign up today.