An important part of Arc40k has always been to recognise those who support the event through their participation or involvement. And with our new website we are launching further ways that we can recognise and reward these people.

Mark Morrison became the first 5 year Veteran in 2002 - after winning Arcanacon 40k 1998, he then organised the next four. Since then the mantle of Veteran has been bestowed upon everyone who has participated in, or helped organise 5, 10, 15 or 20 Events.
When the popularity of the event grew significantly in 2005 and places were limited because the resources available for the event at that time a Veteran’s Reserve list was launched to give early access to tickets to any returning Veteran player. This tradition continues to this day and each year Veterans are offered the chance to secure Pre-Sale places and Tickets.

For the 25th Year of Arc40k in 2023 Pre-Sale Tickets will once again be available - however our system and how to secure a place has changed. Tickets will be available early for confirmed Veterans who have signed up as members of the newly updated Arc40k website.
When you sign up you will need to tick the Veteran status box. Once it has been confirmed you’ll find that your profile will be updated to show an online badge reflecting your 5, 10, 15 or 20 year Veteran status.
To sign up, either click the red button below, or click on the Log In button on the Top Right of the Page.

So this is a Call to All Arc40k Veterans - Sign up to Now!
What are you waiting for? Follow this link and complete the sign up process: