Will this be the biggest Table Top Miniature event in Victoria this Century? If every place sells, then in it’s first year, ArcFest 2024 will be an ultimate celebration of the table top Hobby and a gathering of gaming like no other!
Our premier event Arc40k, is the biggest Warhammer 40,000 Tournament in Melbourne, Australia. Its built itself a reputation for quality painting, small points values, and a play for fun culture that it has fostered and grown within the Australian gaming community - and it is now a national gathering of 40K hobby enthusiasts who return year after year to participate from all across Australia and New Zealand. It is the King of 40K events because it continues to be the most consistently huge gathering of 40K even into to this it’s 25th running. And it’s the event at the core of ArcFest…
But, if playing for fun and meeting new mates sounds like a weekend you’d like for your favourite game system then ArcFest has been built on that platform first established by Arc40k.
With that in mind, we’ve gathered together some passionate people who are keen to run events for some of the other popular and enjoyable tabletop miniature gaming systems. All planed to come together in April 2024 in the one location - at ArcFest 2024.
So, if you want a ticket to one of these amazing array of Events, representing the wide worlds and universes of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby, then here’s what you’ll need to do:
We’ve got a date: 27&28 April 2024
You can participate in so many events this year - 40K, Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Horus Heresy, and ArcOpen…
If you are thinking about our 200plus Player Arc40k then you know:
There was an announcement about army size - limited to an Arc40k classic of 1350pts…
And then there’s the Player Pack that’s online and ready to serve up a fabulous field of armies that will be up for 6 challenging games of Warhammer 40,000.
Tickets must then be the next big thing. And they are!
The dates for event ticket sales will be as follows. There’s likely to be a rush and demand for this 25 year Anniversary Event.
Veteran Pre-Sale: Tuesday 9 January
General Sale: Tuesday 15 January
If you want one then here’s what you’ll need to do.
Access to the ticketing area for ArcFest is limited to site members. It’s free to sign up and gives you access to all areas of Arc40k.com. If you fill out a subscription as well you’ll get all the latest news delivered to your inbox.
Tickets will go on sale to Veteran Players first. One of the long term benefits of returning to Arc40k for 5 or more consecutive years means that you get early access to try and secure a place at the event. And we are carrying this tradition over to ArcFest. That means that regardless of the system or event - if you have been to 5 of our events you’ll achieve veteran status and early access to ticketing. So, if you indicate that you are a veteran at the time you register on arc40k.com we’ll verify that fact and you’ll receive a Veteran’s badge attached to your account membership.
As soon as Veteran tickets go on sale your badge status will give you access to the ticket area and you’ll be able to purchase Venue Access and Tournament Registration that sees you secure a place to play at Arc40k. There will be a second option of a Bundle including Venue Access, Tournament Registration and ArcOpen Entry. The third option will be Venue Access + ArcOpen Ticket - so Veteran's not playing but wanting to come along and enter the painting competition can secure a spot early.
Ticket Options:
Arc40k $105 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into our Premier Gaming event Arc40k - 6 games
ArcHeresy $85 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into Horus Heresy Zone Mortalis event - 5 games
ArcOfSigmar $105 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into our Age of Sigmar event - 6 games
ArcDOFP $95 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into our Marvel Crisis Core event - 6 games
ArcFinity $95 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into our Infinity event - 6 games
ArcOpen $45 (not including Website transaction fee)
Entry into ArcOpen with one entry in each category or first 4 entries
$5 additional entries across any category
ArcFest Everything $135 Arc40k and ArcOpen (not including Website transaction fee) $135 Arc of Sigmar and ArcOpen(not including Website transaction fee)
$125 ArcDOFP and ArcOpen(not including Website transaction fee)
$125 ArcInfinity and ArcOpen (not including Website transaction fee) $115 ArcHeresy and ArcOpen (not including Website transaction fee)
Arcfest Not ready to join us for painting or playing but want to drop in and have a look
General Admission $20 One Day (not including Website transaction fee)
$30 Family Pass 2 Adults & 2 Children
(17 years or under) (not including Website transaction fee)
*General Admission tickets will be on sale closer to the event.
There will be a separate Event entry ticket as we may have people wanting to join in some of the other activities we have planned - but these will be made available closer to the event - we're focussed on ArcFest Events players getting booked in an able to start planning their attendance.
So remember that membership of the site gives you access to the ticket area and that you should do that now in preparation for ticket sales day!