The road to Arc40k is paved with plans of epic armies… So follow along and get some insights from hobbyists who know what it takes to present a new army at a new arc40k - they’ve started the ArcArmy Challenge and so can you.
What will be in my army! Hello again, Sam here again with another installment of my ArcArmy Challenge...
Disciples of Be'lakor is a fun thematic way of building a Chaos Daemon list. It is naturally comped which is great for Arc40k!
As for what is in my army: I was planning on taking Be'lakor and a Knight plus heaps of Lessor Daemons so I picked up a knight and Be'lakor when I visited the UK recently.
However, the announcement that this arc would be 1350pts means I will be taking Be'lakor only. He is sort of an auto take in a Disciples of Be'lakor army!
I’m not worried about the points limit being 1350. I think it will be a good thing, more games will come to a natural conclusion and the hobby standard should be at a higher level making for a better event overall.
This will see me entering a Chaos Knight in the Arc Open, which I am super excited about as well! So expect some of that journey to be previewed just a little here too.
Be'lakor makes a great centre peace model and has some cool rules...
He can fly for 12 inches; has -1 to hit with no re-rolls; and is -1 to wound with Toughness 7, which makes him quite the tank. Combine that with a -1 to wound and he can be hard to shift. Which is good, as the army kind of revolves around him, and his deep strike locus ability.
Be'lakor is also a psyker knowing two powers, deny one from the Noctic discipline.
This Big Bad Boy will be the centre peace of my army so I am intending to spend a bit of time building and painting him.
The aim is for the model tol be based upon the colours of the warp - as I se that it will be magenta/purple/blue - highlighted with some flesh tones to mimic real skin but with a twist.
The sword is going to be a fluro blue/green! I want to use this as a spot colour of highlight throughout the army. These colours make a split complimentary colour scheme and hopefully should make the model pop on the table top!
I also want to paint the model in Non-Metallic Metal (NMM). This is something I’ve been practicing lately. I find it really stretches my painting skills. So, I’m not sure if I will be able to pull it off. But I plan on giving it red hot good.
WaiT - this mean I have to paint the rest of the army in NMM too - Sh1t! what have I signed myself up for…
Current WIP of Be'lakor - Still a lot to do but you can see where he’s going!
The Disciples of Be'lakor come with a whole A4 page of restriction and benefits in the Codex Daemons. This will make writing an army list very tricky but it also has the potential to add a lot of flavour to the army. And I can display a panoply of demons - particularly if I allow some summoning points to be incuded - right demon for the right job is a major benefit of the flexibility of Chaos Demons.
So far I have about a 1000 points assembled and ready for painting - summon/don’t summon?
More about my building and painting journey next time…
But here’s some Display Board News!
Nocturn Forge World is starting to take shape!
I’ve added two more levels and cut out the foam that will be the archers - just so pumped for this part of the project.
I've even cut the stairs running down to the main floor. And the next step is I’m planning on create some texture and add little details.
So I guess it’s never too early to see how big it is - or how big it’s gonna be... Display Boards Rule!