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ArcOpen is for anyone who shares a passion for painting fantasy and futuristic miniatures.
The Event

ArcOpen is returning to ArcFest 3-4 May 2025, at Sandown Racecourse. 

The aim of this event is to inspire and challenge participants to advance their skills, seek to improve, and strive to present their best work. Rather than competing against other entrants in a shoot out for a limited number of awards the event recognised attainment of quality and effort for every painter. 

There are no first, second and third places within the ArcOpen Categories.

Instead our judges grade each entries achievement - basing their decisions surrounding the standard of the work. In the end those pieces deserving and of the level need  to be recognised as Gold, Silver and Bronze level were the one’s able to achieve awards at ArcOpen.

Due to the number and quality of entries we also recognised effort outside the top tiers of skill by selecting  entries the judges feel deserve recognition and to be awarded Commended Entry status.

As the ArcOpen System is about presenting a level of painting mastery there was no limit to the number of awards.

Our ArcOpen Judges for 2024 were Victoria Lamb, Jared Clifford and Peter Overton.

ArcOpen 2024 Gallery Coming Soon
Best at Show

ArcOpen is an open event seeking to recognise achievement, but we also want to challenge everyone to excellence by recognising an overall event master - the Best at Show. In 2024 this award was  taken out by Andrew Buckley  for his Large Model Category Gold Medal entry titled Descent Part One. Its source is a Warhammer Age of Sigmar Miniature from the Cities of Sigmar Range - a Fusil-Major on Ogor WarHulk. 

People’s Choice

The most popular entry at ArcOpen also claims it’s own special place and award. The People’s Choice is voted by participants, ArcFest tournament players and general admission ticket holders. Everyone gets a chance to vote.  This year the People’s Choice was awarded to Trent Denison for his Neon Knights. A Gold Medal winning entry in our new Open-Display category. 

ArcOpen is Proudly supported by:
House of War
Taro Modelmaker.png


ArcOpen 2025 will feature several categories tailored to celebrate the diversity of miniature painting and modelling. Some things will be the same and others will have some changes and updates. 

So we go into this year’s event with 5 Categories. Here’s all you need to know about the categories for this year:


Single Miniature

This category draws significant entries due to its accessibility. Painting a single 25mm to 40mm scale figure, while challenging, is achievable even for first-time entrants. This category has produced some amazing miniatures from various manufacturers, and we hope it continues to be hotly contested.



Included due to its strong link to tabletop games, this category celebrates rank-and-file troops or elite special forces. It acknowledges the role these miniatures play in developing new and interesting forces for the tabletop, making it a vital part of ArcOpen. 

We hope more people are inspired to create integrated vignettes and dynamic displays of squads, units, and teams from across the fantasy tabletop miniature genre.

Updates for 2025:


New Rules for Entry: Units will now be limited to a maximum of 10 models to encourage higher-quality submissions.

Display/Mobility Requirement: All entries in this category must be fixed to a matte black display base to facilitate safer handling and improve judging and photography processes.



This was our new category in 2024, and returns as it became a fast favorite due to its open nature. With no size, scale, or number limitations, it provides the ultimate canvas for showcasing modelling skill and artistic interpretation. The entries embraced storytelling and technical creativity, and we’re excited to see even more innovation and artistry in 2025.


Large Miniature (New for 2025)

This redefined category focuses on large tabletop gaming models, including tanks, vehicles, monstrous creatures, and mounted figures such as cavalry or riders atop large beasts. It’s the perfect platform for display painters to demonstrate their skills on substantial canvases, combining complexity and grandeur with intricate detailing and dynamic compositions.


Large Figurine or Bust (New for 2025)

Another new category, Large Figurine or Bust has been added to better celebrates larger-scale figures (typically 75mm and above) and busts. It’s a space for showcasing lifelike details, expressions, and textures on larger surfaces, emphasizing technical skill and emotional storytelling.

While some categories have seen updates, the principles of ArcOpen remain unchanged. These refinements aim to ensure a higher-quality submissions, improve logistics, and encourage creativity across all categories.


Recognition for Every Skill Level


ArcOpen 2025 will continue its inclusive open judging system, where entries are judged independently and can earn Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals based on their quality and achievement. There’s no limit to the number of medals awarded, ensuring that all outstanding work is properly recognized.


Commended Entry certificates will also return. These certificates celebrate entries that demonstrate exceptional creativity, technique, or originality, even if they don’t reach medal status. It’s all about recognizing the incredible diversity of talent within the miniature painting community.


Special Awards and Opportunities

In addition to the core categories, ArcOpen 2025 will present awards for genre-specific excellence:

        Best Arc40k Miniature

        Best Age of Sigmar Miniature

        Best Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniature

        Best Star Wars Shatterpoint Miniature

        Best Infinity Miniature

The Best Young Painter award will once again celebrate exceptional work by hobbyists aged 17 and under. Simply let us know if you qualify when you register your entry.

Finally, attendees will have their say with the People’s Choice Award. Through online and QR code voting, the community can celebrate the entries that truly wow them - so aim to make your work unforgettable!

The Ultimate Honors: Best in Show

The Best in Show remains the pinnacle of ArcOpen achievement, awarded to the entries that embody the very best in creativity, technical skill, and impact. These winners will be selected from the pool of Gold medal entries across all categories.


Tickets for ArcOpen will be $50 and includes general admission and access to all areas at ArcFest, as well as your first entry into each of the 5 categories of ArcOpen.  If you wish to enter more… then each subsequent entry will cost $5 paid on the day.


Here are some General Guidelines  about ArcOpen designed to help with the preparation of your entry for our 2025 event:


There is no limitations on the manufacturer or method of production of the miniature. However, models that would breach any company’s Intellectual Property Rights may be excluded or disqualified. If you’re unsure get in touch with us:


There is no limit on the number of entries you can submit. The first entry in each category is included in your admission ticket. Additional entries can be added and paid for at the event.


No mail-in entries are allowed or will be accepted. If you would like to participate in the painting competition you must be present your own work and pick it up at ArcOpen in order to compete

With these details we hope to ensure that everyone will have heaps of time to plan, prepare and get painting. We really do want to give everyone an opportunity to achieve and present their very best. 


Single Miniature

This category is for any single Human-sized fantasy/futuristic miniature mounted on an appropriate sized base. This includes miniatures mounted on creatures or small vehicles. This category is for miniatures up to 40mm scale.




ArcFest is a celebration of table top miniatures. The Unit Category features what many competitors will be spending a large part of their hobby efforts to field a force to play with. So this category is for squads, squadrons, gangs or units of three or more fantasy/futuristic models. This includes miniatures mounted on creatures or small vehicles. The unit may be displayed on an appropriate sized base. This category is for miniatures up to 40mm scale.


Large Figure- Character/Monster/Vehicle


This category primarily caters for large models or vehicles; other mechanical subjects; single large Monsters; and of course Busts in various shapes and sizes. We saw a range of large miniatures entered in this category, which included entries in scales of 75mm or larger.  The Large Figure Category was heavily populated with entries as it is the canvas upon which many Display Painters like to show their skills.


Open Display - including Diorama/Duel


ArcOpen's founder Hobby Crusaider, has a long history with the Open Category and putting together epic dioramas for Golden Demon Open categories. Even taking home Gold.

This is the sort of category that we hope lets the hobby imagination of our community to run wild.  So there are no rules.

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