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Arc of Sigmar 2025 


Welcome to Arc Of Sigmar at ArcFest. Prepare to forge your legend on the celestial battlefield at our upcoming Age of Sigmar Wargaming Event! Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the Mortal Realms, where gods and monsters clash for supremacy. Whether you're a battle-hardened general or a fledgling commander, this event offers an epic canvas for your strategic brilliance. 

Hosted by the Beasts Gaming Group, fresh off their successful events at ArcFest in 2024 and CanCon. Arc Of Sigmar will showcase epic battles and stunning armies in this iconic game at an ArcFest worthy size - allowing participants to really concentrate on fielding awesomely presented forces and play in the true sporting spirit of the event.

Player Pack

Army Size: 1350pts

Games: 6

Entry:   $105 (incl. Entry to ArcFest)

Contact the TO:
List Submission to:

Awards & Prizes

Arc of Sigmar is an event that ranks players overall using a totaled Arc of Sigmar event score. This score is a combination of the points you accrue across the weekend in:-


Playing for Fun (Battle)

Don't Be That Guy (Sportsmanship)

Forged for Fun (Army List) 

Paint your Army (Presentation) 


Your gaming score is based on the results of your games, and you can achieve a maximum of 90 points. You can achieve a maximum of  90 points for sportsmanship, and 60 points for army composition and 60 points for army presentation and theme scores combined. ​


These scores combine to create your Arc of Sigmar event score. Everyone’s position in the event will be determined by their Overall Arc of Sigmar Event score. 


Players will be competing for the following 12 awards:

  • Arc of Sigmar Champion - First place overall

  • Arc of Sigmar Silver - Second place overall

  • Arc of Sigmar Bronze - Third place overall

  • Best Sport - The two players with the highest sportsmanship

  • Best in Grand Alliance - Highest gaming score representing each Grand Alliance

  • Arc Of Sigmar Player’s Choice  - Voted for during the event

  • Best Army Presentation - TO’s Choice

  • Wooden Spoon - Alas, someone has to be last place. Lowest gaming score



More details of specific tiebreaker scoring to come!


We want to share the prizes around as much as possible. With this in mind, players that win certain awards are ineligible to win others. These exclusions will be stated here in a later update.


Even more information to come as we get closer to the event!

Other Important Information 


Code of Conduct

Behaviour such as bullying, rules abuse, moving models illegally, picking up dice before your opponent has the chance to see the results, lying to judges or opponents, or any other form of unethical or inappropriate conduct can result in substantial in-game penalties, automatic losses being called, permanent removal of parts of your army for the duration of the event, or removal from the event itself.


What you could lose Arc of Sigmar points for:

  • Late Arrival & Registration. To ensure that the event runs on time, it is vitally important to have all players present and ready to go on time.  Players who arrive late (after 9am) without informing the TO will be penalised 10 Points, or even removed from the draw for the round.

  • Being caught playing with an illegal list. Will result in losing points and may result in disqualification, and/or being asked to leave.

  • Late scores. Your scores may not be accepted if they are submitted more than 8 minutes after time is called. It takes time to process and check the draw before each round can start.  Late scores impact on everyone - Don’t be Late


Any of the following is considered unacceptable behaviour. If found doing any of these, you will be asked to cease, and may face penalties.

  • Using Recast Models

  • Using illegally downloaded Rulebooks, Battletomes, and Supplements

  • Drinking Alcohol (The venue is alcohol free)

  • Sharing your Sportsmanship scoring

  • Not complying with any state health restrictions in place. 

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