Established in 1998 at the Arcanacon Roleplaying convention...
Arc40k is a Warhammer 40,000 Tournament in Melbourne, Australia. In its first ever running it had 8 players, just playing for fun. Within 5 years the event grew to boast more than 100 players. Its reputation for quality painting, small points values, and that play for fun culture grew within the Victorian gaming community - it is now seen as a national gathering of 40K hobby enthusiasts.

“INSOFAR as the Arc40K hobby event was founded (Est. 1998) to promote good fellowship among gamers...”

Arc40k Logo 2004 - 2013

Arc40k Logo 2014 - 2016

Arc40k Logo 2022 - Present

Arc40k Logo 2004 - 2013
What we’re about
Arc40k sees hobbyists coming together so they can share the benefits and enjoyment of being part of a wider community. It's about presenting an army of painted toy soldiers, rolling some dice, playing games for fun, celebrating and being inspired by everyone’s efforts, forging friendships and creating a lifetime of memories.
Celebration and Enjoyment
We celebrate the hobby and everyone in it! At the core of the Arc40k event is a time and place where hobbyists can come together to celebrate through playing for fun, enjoying the challenges each opponent brings, seeing cool armies and catching up with mates. Though the event is a competition with winners, it’s neither cutthroat or ruthless, we celebrate success and recognize everyone’s participation as important.

1st & 2nd February 2014 La Trobe Uni

6th & 7th February 2016 House of War

17th & 18th February 2018 Malvern Town Hall

1st & 2nd February 2014 La Trobe Uni

5th & 6th March 2022 BATMAN Royale Coburg

26th & 27th January 2013 Collingwood College - Music

24th & 25th January 2009* Collingwood College - Music

5th & 6th March 2022 BATMAN Royale Coburg
Inspiration through Sharing
Seeing what and learning how others go about their hobby is a great way to gain some new knowledge. Who’s not inspired when someone else shares pics of their work in progress - we're talking great conversions, enthralling themes, dynamic display boards, skilful brush technique or surprising colour schemes. If you’ve walked around a Parade of Armies on Day One of an Arc40k event you’ll know that experiencing how others go about creating a personal vision of their force can be inspiring on so many levels.
Respect and Mateship
We embrace our past - Arc40k has a rich and colourful history that has built its reputation as a premier hobby event - it also provides a strong foundation for our future; we respect each other in how we play, build, and present our armies and talk about each other's hobby; mateship is at the heart of how we forge long time friendships through our shared values and experiences.

28th & 29th January 2012 Collingwood College - Music

1st & 2nd February 2014 La Trobe Uni

6th & 7th February 2016 House of War

28th & 29th January 2012 Collingwood College - Music

29th Feb & 1st Mar 2020 BATMAN Royale Coburg

1st & 2nd February 2014 La Trobe Uni

17th & 18th February 2018 Malvern Town Hall

29th Feb & 1st Mar 2020 BATMAN Royale Coburg
Passion and Participation
A huge part of Arc40k is a core of participants who, once they’ve experienced the Arc40k style of event, keep coming back again and again! A burning passion to participate - playing for fun with fully painted armies among mates - has driven more than 450 of the 2.5k plus participants to make the effort to turn up over multiple events and achieve 5 year veterans status. It takes passion & dedication to commit to an endeavour for 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.